I think we have surprised ourselves in how well we have got on with just each other for company. It has got a little weird at times though. We have also been amazed by the kindness of strangers, been in awe of the natural world we have trundled over and Hol has enjoyed giving an earful to those who seem a little 'confused' about it. Lately we have had times of questioning what we are doing on the trip; understandable with no income, another 16 months to go and being far away from friends. However, as we
stood sweating in 36 degrees at the David cattle festival we met a lady over an ice cream who invited us to stay with her sister in Santa Fe. Then, just before dinner we met a girl who coaches a cycling team in Aspen who has also asked us to come visit whilst we tandem up the U.S. Moments like that make us feel we are doing the right thing and there are plenty of adventures and people to meet in the next 500 days.
The journey thus far...
- % round the world after 190 days: 24%
- Number of countries visited: 16
- Number of those we didn't plan to visit: 9
- Favourite country: Morocco
- Favourite city: Madrid
- Different modes of transport: 26 (and a few half ones)
- Fastest transport: 100mph overnight train to Lisbon
Slowest transport: Lista Light, 0.5knots becalmed off the Sahara
- Highest point(s): Hol accepting my proposal as we waved England goodbye, arriving in El Jadida at dawn and feeling in a truly foreign land for the first time, being stalked by a whale
- Lowest point: Hol: being horrendously seasick for 72 hours crossing to Canaries. Nick: stranded with no money, no food and no Spanish at the Colombian border
- Highest altitude: 3475m on top of Volcan Baru in Panama
- Most drunk moment: Naked bombing at 2pm in front of a Disney cruise ship after 30 days at sea
Latest photo albums here as well (click`slideshow` in top right of screen for full effect):
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